Tuesday, January 31, 2012

My Quest for Happiness today .... yeah ok!

So today my ability to remain happy was challenged like whoa! If it wasn't an eradict driver in the carpool lane it was the fact that I couldn't remember my locker combination at work.

Now, just so you all understand I do lead a very complicated existence. People say to me all the time. "I have no idea how you do it" I reply coyly all the time, its Jesus, I don't run this show.
Everything I do I take Christ with me, with Him I can't fail. However the spirit of aggravation creeps up like Swiper the Fox from Dora the Explorer, trying to take me out of the game. SHEESH

It wasn't until I talked to my mommy today that I said "you know what people are going to be ridiculous NO MATTER HOW I REACT, so Im done stressing over it." *sidebar* Maybe my eye will stop twitching now.

So as it stands today was still amazing, the sun was shining bright and warm, I smiled more than I frowned and I survived. And I don't think I held my breath once.

I'm in control of my happiness and either I am going to be happy or I am not. Its all up to me.

The lessons that I learned today was, its not necessary to react to problems with "I'm a G attitude" and "You better breath girl"

Love and blessings to you all

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